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About us

PK JH Monster Energy AMA Supercross Cup BYD Team Philipp Klakow Jared Hicks

The Story of Backyard Design began in California!

Or rather in Reche Canyon. One of the most popular freeriding spots in Southern California.

There, the American Jared Hicks and the German Philipp Klakow met while riding in the hills, taking a day off from practicing for the fast-approaching 2011 AMA Supercross Series.

The two 20-year-old quickly found out that you can only drive the race can’t live and to keep yourself above water they even worked in the morning before training at one of the biggest Motocross Graphics Companies in United States. The two had always dreamed of finding a job in the MX scene and quickly emerged from the temporary job the idea to start a graphics company.

A short time later, they founded Backyard Design. Philipp in Germany and Jared in the US. What was initially ridiculed by many quickly began to take shape. Every beginning is difficult, and there were some ups and downs. However, both are driven by the same passion with which they both have been riding since they were children. Today the company has 2 locations, one in Heusenstamm, Germany and our American headquarter in Mobile, Alabama.

Although both of their focus today is not only on racing but rather riding for fun, the attitude of the two has not changed. The goal is to be the coolest and toughest graphics available whether purchased by serious racers or recreational riders.

True to our motto : From riders, for riders

Here are some of the company’s we are working with!

We have been working together with most of our partners for many years. Whether world brand or local motorcycle business, we look forward to every new cooperation.